Office of
International Services




▣ TOPIK Scholarship_Graduate


For whom






Int’l students

1st semester

<Newly admitted to Master’s after graduating CBNU Undergrad.>

Lv. B1: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade A0

Lv. B2: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade B+

Lv. B1: 80% off of tuition

Lv. B2: 40% off of tuition

<Newly admitted to Doctoral after graduating CBNU Master’s>

Lv. B1: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade A0

Lv. B2: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade B+

Lv. B1: 80% off of tuition

Lv. B2: 40% off of tuition

<All applicants> 
Lv. C: All applicantsLv. C: 20% off of tuition

From 2nd semester

Lv. B1: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade A0

Lv. B2: TOPIK Lv. 5 + Grade B+

Lv. C: TOPIK Lv. 4 + Grade B+

Lv. B1: 80% off of tuition

Lv. B2: 40% off of tuition

Lv. C: 20% off of tuition

 * The above scholarship may change according to CBNU School Regulation and Graduate policy.


▣ CBNU Bridge Scholarship


For whom



CBNU Bridge Scholarship

New Applicants who keep the status as ‘Enrolled’ after admission as well as completing the just previous semester of the Korean Language Program at the Institute of International Language Education(IILE) of CBNU

Amount: 1,000,000won

A month after the admission and the date will be announced by OIA

Once for the 1st semester

* But, the CBNU Bridge scholarship is Not Applicable for GKS students.  

* The above scholarship may change according to CBNU School Regulation and Graduate policy.


▣ Other Scholarships

 - Please check the details on the website of the Graduate Policy Office below

 → [Click here]


 * The above scholarship may change according to CBNU School Regulation and Graduate policy.