Place: Consultation room, 3rdfloor,OfficeofInternationalService2nd Building N5
Target: International Students, CBNU
Chief: Lee Young Kyu, Counselor
Consultationserviceincludes: · Face to face conversation and one-on-one mentoring
· Psychological advice · Human Relationship · Future Career (employment , university admission) · Health, Homesick
How to apply: Consultation Room, International Student Support Center, CBNU
Time: 10 A.M - 12 P.M every Saturday 1st semester(first week of March ~ 3rd week of June)
2nd semester(1st week of September ~ 2nd week of December)
Place: Classrooms, 3rd floor, Office of International Service 2nd Building N5
Chief: Graduate students from all over the world
Target: International Students and their family members, CBNU
Content: korean basic class taught in English, Mongolian, Chinese and Vietnamese. TOPIK for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners, TOPIK writing
How to apply: Consultation Room, International Student Support Center, CBNU
Time: Beginners-2 P.M every Monday /Intermediate learners – 2 P.M every Tuesday
Place: Classroom #103, 1st floor, Office of International Service 2nd Building N5
Chief: leader, guitar club, CBNU
Target: International Students and their family members, CBNU
How to apply: Consultation Room, International Student Support Center, CBNU
Phone: 043) 249 ~ 1759
케이팝 댄스 클럽
일시: 주 1~2회
장소: 충북대학교 국제교류본부 2호관(N5) 103호
담당: 대학원 박사과정
대상: 충북대학교 K-POP 댄스를 좋아하는 외국인 유학생들
회비 무료
Time: 1~2 hours every week
Place: Classroom # 103, 1st floor, Office of International Service 2nd Building N5
Chief: Graduate student, CBNU
Target: International students fond of K-Pop dance
Charge Free
SongPyeon Day
목적: 추석명절을 맞아 유학생들을 격려하기 위해 / 고유명절 추석을 간접적으로 경험하기 위해 / 추석의 대표 음식을 나누기 위해
일시: 매년 추석 전, 후
장소: 국제교류본부 2호관(N5) 3층 상담실
대상: 유학생 & 유학생 가족
SongPyeon Day
Obejctive: To encourage international students thru the Chuseok holiday To indirectly experience the unique holiday, Chuseok To share the representative foods of Chuseok
Time: every year, before and after the Chuseok holidays
Place: International Office 2 (N5) 3rd floor Counseling Office
Target: All International students and families
목적: 유학생과 유학생 가족이 몸이 아파서 치료비를 지원하기 위해 / 유학생 생활을 지원하기 위해 / 유학생들의 커뮤니티를 위해
일시: 매년 10월 셋째주(금) 13:00~15:00
장소: 국제교류본부 2호관(N5) 1층 로비
Obejctive: To help with medical expenses of international students and their families To support student life here abroad For the community of international students
Time: 3rd Friday of October 13:00~15:00
Place: International Office 2 (N5) Lobby
Saemmul Scholarship
샘물 장학금
목적: 외국인 유학생들을 격려하기 위해
내용: 한국어 연수부 단계별 성적 우수자(3등)
방법: 매학기 5~6명. 년 30명 내외
Saemmul Scholarship
Obejctive: To encourage international students
Content: Korean Language Students (per level) with excellent grades
Place: 5~6 students per semester. About 30 students a year