Office of
International Services

Korean class for International Graduate Students & Exchange Students 작성일 2020.07.27 조회수 738

Korean Class for International Graduate Students & Exchange Students 


1. Time period : 2017. 9. 19. ~ 11. 30. [Tuesday, Thursday (PM 18:30-20:20)


2. Location : Office of International Services Ⅱ(N5) Classroom #303, #304, #305, #306


3. Korean Class participants & classroom: "attached 1"


4. Textbook: "attched 2" (At university bookstore purchase(E2 Building Underground)


첨부파일  첨부파일 20170919_100424_1.xls  [58Kb]
첨부파일  첨부파일 20170919_100424_2.docx  [109Kb]