Office of
International Services

Full Implementation of Online Re-entry Permit System 작성일 2020.10.15 조회수 855

[Full Implementation of Online Re-entry Permit System]

- To strengthen immigration for long-term foreign residents amid COVID-19 pandemic -


In order to alleviate incovenience of making walk-in applications at immigration offices under the COVID-19 social distancing guidelines, as well as to prevent the spread of the infectious disease by reducing crowdedness at civil petition windows,

Application for Re-entry Permit is available only through Online starting October 12 (Mon.), 2020.

Main contents

Those subject to the measure : All applicants for Re-entry Permit should make online applications on the HiKorea website.

Exceptions : Persons who need to leave the country without obtaining a prior Re-entry Permit due to urgent circumstances such as family emergencies are allowed to apply for the permit at immigration offices located at ports and airports.

Making Re-entry Permit applications on the date of departure is not permitted in principle.